I will now explain what each part of the trigger editor means.
Do Nothing - Self Explanatory
Comment - Allows you to post anything you wish for others to see when looking at the trigger editor.
Wait - Allows you to put a certain duration of wait (In Real Time) in a trigger function.
Wait (Game-Time) - Allows you to do the same, only it runs on game-time seconds rather then real time.
Wait For Condition - Will not allow a trigger to do actions until the condition is met, and it checks every (Specified seconds) Real Time.
Wait For Sound - Make the trigger wait to do the actions until the sound is completed, and it checks ever (Specified Seconds) Real Time.
Set Variable - Sets a custom variable equal to: Unit, Point, Item, Sound, Action
Skip Remaining Actions - Skips all remaining actions in the trigger function.
If, Then, Else Multiple Functions - If all conditions are true, it will do the actions in "Then", if not all are true, it will do actions in "Else".
If, Then, Else - If a condition happens, it will do a specific action, if not it will do a different specified action.
AI-Start Melee AI Script - Starts an AI script of the regular actions of Computers in melee maps.
AI-Start Campaign AI Script - Starts an AI script of the regular action of Computer in campaign maps.
AI-Send Command - Orders a computer to do a certain specified command.
AI-Ignore Units Guard Position - Ignores a specific units guard position
AI-Ignore All Units Guard Position - Ignores all guard positions or a specified player.
AI-Recycle Units Guard Position - This makes the AI recycle the specified units guard position.
AI-Lock Guard Position - Makes the AI lock a units guard position.
Animation-Play Unit Animation - Forces a unit to play a specified animation.
Animation-Play Unit Animation (Specify Rarity) - Forces a unit to play a specific animation based on common or rare animations.
Animation-Queue Unit Animations - Puts animations in a queue and then plays them in order.
Animation-Reset Unit Animations - Self Explanatory
To Be Continued